6 reasons why you must practice gratitude everyday

Have you heard the magical story of Dr len who cured mentally ill criminals of Hawaii hospital without even seeing them?

There is a practice called ho’oponopono prayer, it’s a forgiveness and gratitude prayer which Dr len said for each and every patient for four years and all the patients got miraculously healed.

Gratitude is an emotion of thinking, feeling and acknowledging your blessings in life.

Emotion of being grateful and thankful for people, things, thoughts, resources, ideas, opportunities and life that you have.

It is the feeling that accelerates the magic in your life.

It is easy to incorporate in life, is free of cost, requires very little practice, and gives fast results.

It is practised and preached from centuries in all cultures and religions, from Hinduism to Buddhism to Christianity to Islam to Sikhism.

Here are 6 reasons why you must practise gratitude everyday.

    1.Gratitude is the key to happiness and abundance in life.

    Gratitude works on the law of attraction. According to the law of attraction “like attracts like”, you get what you think, feel and  focus on.

    According to Newton’s third law, which is universal law,”Every action has an opposite and equal reaction. So when you feel gratitude and acknowledge the blessings and happy moments in your life, you attract more happiness, blessings in your life.

    As Jon Butcher, the founder of lifebook says, Happiness is made up of two parts:

    1) The satisfaction that comes from the progressive accomplishments of worthy goals.

    2)  Total, complete and absolute contentment and gratefulness for the way things are right now.

    If you are not satisfied and grateful for what you already have in your life right now, you must become aware that there is a blockage that you need to break here because without being content for every single thing that you already have,you will not get it more, whether if it’s financial abundance, quality relationship, good job etc.

    2.Practice of gratitude helps to manifest your desired life.

    As said by Harrish Sai Raman, founder of The Tathastu Way Of Living, Manifestation happens at the level of thought, first the energy moves to the emotions and feelings and then that energy comes in your physical body, you radiate that entire energy and start manifesting the best in your life.

    We are connected to everything in the universe beyond physical space and time.

    Everything in this universe or world, one way or another, vibrates at a particular frequency.

    Everything is energy frequency and vibration ultimately.

    For example you are made up of body > organ systems > organs > tissues > cells > organelles > molecules > elements and atoms > electrons protons and neutrons > quarks ( which is both particle and wave like  in nature).

    So when we vibrate at the right frequency, we naturally get attuned to everything at that frequency.

    Our thoughts and feelings of intense emotions create certain frequencies and vibrations in and around our body.

    And your thoughts, feelings and emotions naturally become positive in a state of practising gratitude.

    Thoughts are primarily related to mind and feelings are connected to body when you align your mind and body by thoughts and feelings, you create a state of being which produces effects on your reality.

    3.Enhances the quality of your life

    Gratitude helps you become more disciplined and motivated.

    As you start acknowledging all that you already have, you keep reminding your subconscious mind about it, example money and this reminder gives you momentum to keep working smartly hard to easily and quickly earn it more.

    As you express gratitude towards the people around you they also acknowledge you and appreciate you which improves your relationships and the quality of life.

    4.Gratitude helps you heal your diseases and past life traumas

    As you know your present life is nothing but manifestation of your past thoughts and feelings, so when you start focusing, acknowledging and appreciating what positives and blessings you have, you will definitely end up creating more of them in near future.

    You will focus more on the present moment and will be able to enjoy every moment of your life.

    When you start expressing gratitude for your perfectly working organs, resources to heal yourself with the thought and visualisation of how it feels to be perfectly healthy, you will attract health.

    Energy flows where attention goes, so when you focus on all the positives regarding your health, wealth and relationships in your life your subconscious mind will attract all possible solutions to make that positive thought and feeling become reality.

    5. Gratitude helps in tragic and tough situations.

    When you are feeling stuck, experiencing a bad day, met with an accident then gratitude gives you hope and positivity to get out of any bad situation.

    One of the Ted talk speaker, Tye Dutcher who explained the power of gratitude and how it helped him after meeting with an accident said this very beautifully, “The acknowledgement of blessings in our lives leads to an open mind of gratitude, this gratitude then affects our brains, changing our nerves structure to make us feel more happier and content. He said gratitude is perspective and is chosen and it helps in tragedy.

    6. To inspires people around you.

    When you express gratitude towards all Lovely beings around you, you inspire them also to start attracting positivity around them and at the end it creates a positive environment and positive world. 


    Gratitude is a practice to do, and it is your choice to take action and practise it  everyday.

    Gratitude multiplies the positives in your life. It is the key to remove blockages and unleash the infinite potential within you.

    As Bob Proctor quoted “See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it, it works every time with every person”.

    I have already covered how you can practise gratitude in the article here, you can check it out.

    All the best.

    2 thoughts on “6 reasons why you must practice gratitude everyday”

    1. Pingback: What is overthinking and 11 tips to overcome it? - Growth Seekers

    2. Very well written. Gratitude is the most simple & effective medicine to all problems in life. Once we start practicing gratitude & fell grateful, life becomes cheerful & positive.

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