What are Chakras? Some amazing facts for you about 7 Chakras.

Chakras, energy centres sounds amazing right.

We are in the midst of scientific revolution, a major paradigm shift with tremendous implications for how we deal with all aspects of life.

In this era and digital age vast amounts of information is accessible to everyone with just a few clicks.

The emergence of the internet has made a lot of things possible today.

There are more career options, more healing methods, more and equal opportunities.

Social media and digital marketing has proven that it’s possible for every single being today to become an entrepreneur.

With more options of solutions available online for different problems and simple explanations of complicated concepts about science, quantum physics and health online, many people are aware about the basics of subjects like biology, chemistry, marketing and hence choose wisely.

Public is catching up on the facts that were not exposed earlier.

Education is cheaper with the rise of the creator community and many online education platforms. Business opportunities are equal for everyone.

People choose wisely after analysing and questioning everything, specially millennials and after generations like z and alpha generation.

Today there are testimonials, free webinars, free consultation calls that have made it possible for people to try options and ideas that were not welcoming earlier.

Example people opt for and try all healing options these days. Both mainstream professionals and alternative practitioners like energy healers, Reiki masters etc. are blooming today.

People are aware that their quality of life is not just associated with physical health but with mental, emotional and spiritual health also plays a vital role in their overall well-being.

After the pandemic and during lockdown the search bar for energy healing, spiritual growth and meditation were significantly high and today people are openly expressing their weaknesses and vulnerabilities online due to increased highlights on mental health issues online.

The concept of chakras and chakra healing was very vague earlier and today many are willing to explore it and learn about it, like you.

What are chakras?

These are energy centres located in our body except crown chakra which is located on top of our head.

Chakras control our body.

The origin of chakras can be traced back to Vedas and today also many people consider it as a mythological or out of science concept.

Many scientists started studying about chakras and started debunking myths surrounding the chakra healing and energy healing.

Authors like Deepak Chopra, dr. Joe Dispenza, Candace B. Pert has explained the deep connection between mind and body through their books.

Everything is energy and it’s an observer effect that has made the existence of energy appear in solid form (more on this in the upcoming post).

Let’s understand what humans are made up of.

Human body is made up of organ systems, organ systems are made up of organs, organs are made up of tissues, tissues are made up of cells, cells are made up of cell organelles, organelles are made up of molecules, molecules are made up of atoms, atoms are made up of electrons, protons and neutrons and these are made of quarks.

And now it is also revealed that you are not just made up of this material physical body, there is an energy body, mental body, intellectual body, bliss body called as pancha koshas in Sanskrit.

Scientists have found that electrons are particles that keep appearing and disappearing and the atom is 99.99% empty space and .00001% matter, so basically at most quantum level everything is empty space filled with energy.

The chakras are energy centres that control the flow of energy in your body.

Blockages in your chakras lead to diseases, indecisiveness, fear, low self esteem in your body.

All 7 chakras are related to different aspects.

Let’s understand and explore all types of chakras.

Types of chakras

There are 7 primary chakras in the body although different philosophies have different numbers of chakras representation.

      1. Root chakra

        • Muladhara or root chakra is located at the bottom of the spine.

        • It is associated with trust.

        • Fear, financial problems, muscle, kidney, and UTI infection are related to the blockages in this chakra.

        • The frequency of root chakra is 396 Hz, and because of its lowest frequency it is associated with red color and LAM sound.

          1. Sacral chakra

            • Svadhisthana or sacral chakra is located two inches beneath the navel.

            • It is associated with sexuality and creativity.

            • Diseases and problems of the intestines, male and female reproductive system are all caused by hindrances of sacral chakra.

            • The frequency of sacral chakra is 417 Hz and is associated with orange color and VAM sound.

              1. Solar Plexus chakra

                • Solar plexus or Manipura chakra is located two inches above the navel in the abdomen.

                • It is associated with wisdom and power.

                • Liver diseases, and abdominal diseases are caused by problems with solar plexus chakra.

                • The frequency of this chakra is 528 Hz and is associated with yellow color and RAM sound.

                  1. Heart chakra

                    • Heart chakra or Anahata chakra is located in the middle of the thoracic cavity.

                    • It is associated with love, healing and compassion.

                    • Lack of confidence, nervousness, heart diseases, pain in shoulders, problems related to circulatory system are caused by blockages in this chakra.

                    • The energy of this chakra vibrates at a frequency of 639 Hz and heart chakra is denoted by green color and YAM sound.

                      1. Throat chakra

                        • Throat chakra or Visuddha chakra is located in the centre of the throat.

                        • It is associated with communication, speech, and esophagus.

                        • Thyroid and soreness are indications of blockages in this energy centre.

                        • The frequency here is 741 Hz and the color is blue and HAM sound.

                          1. Third eye chakra

                            • Third eye chakra or ajna chakra is located on the forehead, between eyebrows.

                            • It is associated with awareness, head, face, 5 senses, nervous system.

                            • Problems like insomnia, stress, anxiety, tension, headache are indications of blockages and hindrances of third eye chakra.

                            • The frequency of the third chakra is 853 Hz and is associated with indigo color and AUM sound

                              1. Crown chakra

                                • Sahasrara or crown chakra is located at the top of our head.

                                • Crown chakra is associated with spirituality and spiritual growth, it is related to the brain and mind.

                                • The frequency here is 963 Hz and the color associated with the crown chakra is violet which has the lowest wavelength and the sound of this chakra is ANG.

                              Listening to the sound of a specific frequency, and chanting the sound associated with chakras with visualisation of the color can remove the blockages in that specific chakra.

                              But you MUST consult a chakra healer or energy healer before practising because after chakra activation you also need to know to control them.

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